The Program includes the CPS projects on the European Union, Council of Europe, European integration of Ukraine, in-service training of civil servants, role plays, roundtables, conferences, public awareness-raising campaigns and events (including "Europe Days").
Within this program, European Information and Documentation Center functions at the CPS, a group of experienced trainers-members of the "Expert Team Ukraine for Europe" (projects supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the International Renaissance Foundation), is always prepared to conduct role plays on European integration "Shaping the Future of Europe", "Europe and Crisis: Algerian Scenario" etc., weekly radio airs on the regional state radio on European integration take place, as well as monthly trainings on European integration for civil servants, conducted together with the Donetsk Regional Center for In-service Training of Civil Servants, annual conferences on European studies take place, etc. CPS representative is appointed as member of Civil Expert Council at Ukrainian Part of the EU-Ukraine Cooperation Committee (under Vice-Prime Minister Nemyrya and coordinated by the Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine).