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Strasbourg, 25.09.2008 - Territorial authorities taking part in the Black Sea Euroregion initiative will meet in Varna (Bulgaria) on 26 September 2008 to sign the Constituent Act and Statutes of the Euroregion.
A result of the initiative lasunched by the Council of Europe Congress in 2006, the Black Sea Euroregion will be a platform for co-operation complementary to existing national intergovernmental co-operation initiatives, acting in the remit of regional and municipal competencies. It will serve as a launching pad for multilateral initiatives using existing national, European and international financial instruments. The Euroregion will take the shape of a non-profit association designed to facilitate inter-regional
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In 2006 the local civil society has expressed its interest to strengthen cross-brder cooperation and supported the initiative of the regional administration.
Full text of the press release is available below in Ukrainian language.
Громадськість Донеччини сприятиме створенню нового Єврорегіону.
Для оперативного розповсюдження 25 листопада 2006 року
Контакти: Штукарін Сергій, координатор Коаліції (062) 3044097, (050) 9172617
На зустрічі Експертної групи при Донецькій обласній державній адміністрації з начальником відділу європейської інтеграції Головного управління економіки Донецької ОДА, на якій були також присутні Учасники Г
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Partner NGOs and universities cooperated on organizing a seminar on NATO to be held on 16-17 October in Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi. The seminar is supported by the International Renaissance Foundation and the NATO Information and Documentation Center. Full version of the information letter is available below in Ukrainian.
fax (0372) 520136, tel. (03722) 7-15-18, (0372)55-34-02
Інформаційний Лист Шановні колеги! Маємо честь запросити Вас до участі у міжнародному науковому семінарі: «Проблеми національної безпеки і євроатлантичної інтеграції в вищій освіті Ук
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The Center's CBC Program a new one, aimed at strengthening the capacity to develop cross-border cooperation (CBC) projects on regional and local levels.
Basically, CBC is currently not such a fully fledged program as abovementioned ones, but it is rather a number of interesting activities and contacts with foreign and domestic partners (both from the civil society sector and in administrations), that tend to transform into a promising area of the Center's activity. One of the CPS representatives was invited by the Regional Administration to be a member of the regional selection committee on CBC projects, but the committee has not convened since its creation, due to lack of capacity at the local and regional level, to prepare CBC cooperation projects, which are to be submitted to the committee.
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